South East Asia (Thailand) Diary 26 November 2001

I struck out on my own today. I got myself a place on Khao $an Road last night, determined to, well, crash out and do nowt. I succeeded, but only just. I really don't like this street. It's full of bl**dy travelers whose idea of culture is drinking Singha beer and eating noodles while watching the football, rather than Carlsberg and pizza. So, I wanna get out o' here.

My great dilemma is what to do next. I'd like to head over to Laos, but I'm not sure that I have the time. I need to be back in Singapore to fly out to Sydney on or around 13 December. The other option would be to head up to Chiang Mai, but the footy crowd's in force up their as well (I know that it sounds pretentious, but I wonder what the point of traveling is if you just take your own culture and comforts with you...). Oh I don't know, something'll work out...

To tomorrow...

Created by Dan Leigh 29/11/01