New Zealand Diary 4 July 2002

We went sea kayaking this morning. It was a truly beautiful day to do this amazing trip. The day was clear and cold. The water was perfectly flat and freezing cold. Ten minutes of heaving the boat across the sand flats of low tide and a couple of minutes of paddling soon warmed up every part of me - apart from maybe the ice blocks that were attached to my legs at the ankles. The view that the kayak gave us was great. The birds, mainly shags, weren't bothered by us at all and let us paddle to within metres of them before becoming agitated. Lunch was taken on Adele island a few hundred metres away from the mainland, but not before we paddled around the smaller Fisherman island and caught a seal sunbathing on one of the rocks at the coast!

The plan is to hang around here for the next bus, and some more people, to turn up. We'll spend the time doing a little walk up the coast through the national park.

To tomorrow

Created by Dan Leigh 04/07/02