Israel Diary 10

Israel diary - 10

22 August 2001
Eilat is a tourist town. It was created solely as a place to worship the great god of headanism and the lesser deity of money (the tourists give it to the town) - grand!

In a nutshell, scuba diving (I know that it's not an underwater shot, but what did you expect, the camera's not waterproof!), dolphins, minerals, great ice-cream and some fine places to get a beer. But I'm tired and I've got a night bus to catch, so if you don't mind, I'll catch a little shut-eye and write more later...

We stayed with Dalia whilst we were in Eilat. She works on the front selling jewelry and minerals. Her personal collection is very impressive and includes a rock containing a pocket of water.

23 August 2001
...And so back to Tel Aviv. The journey back was bizzare. We were driven through all the places that we visited on the way south, but this time we did them all in six hours, rather than almost three weeks. It was as though someone had put their VCR on fast rewind. Mitzpe Ramon, Kiryat Malachi, Bere Sheva all sped past in a confusion of noise-bars. I kept thinking about all the places I've seen and people I've met as I drifted in and out of sleep. In to sleep, because the bus left Eilat at 01:00 and arrived in Tel Aviv at 06:00 and out of sleep thanks to the guy with his knees in the back of my chair who could'nt decide just which was the best way to arrange them. Oh yes, and not forgetting the 'fat slag' look-a-like from the opposite side of the bus who wasn't able to whisper below the equivalent number of decibles as a Jumbo Jet taking off, who was also suffering from an acute case of verbal diahrea. But I'm not bitter - just a bit tired that's all! It was also a great excuse to take one of those Eilat 'by Night' photos.

Travelling at night does rather take it out of you though the next morning. Stampeding heavy animals of your choice would not have woken me up five minutes after this shot was taken!

24 August 2001
Only a few days left before heading home. It's strange, it seems as though I've only just really got here. We're staying with Miryam and Dan tonight before traveling across town to Amit & Liat's house. We are going to Tel Aviv's version of a beer festival...

25 August 2001
Well that was a little bizzare! Very different from any beer festival that I've ever been to before. Not so much beer, as festival. Was I nervous? To be honest, a little, yes. But it was fantastic, everyone was enjoying themselves, the atmosphere was great. We're going to a slightly smaller bash this evening, a party of friends and colleagues of Liat. Hélène and I will get a chance for one last 'Le Roc' dance before she heads of to her new kibbutz tomorrow.


Breathtaking, if a little nerve-y for all concerened! Take a look at the gallery of pictures...

27 August 2001
Well, it's time to go. I'm sitting in the airport trying to gather my thoughts, to try and work out my final impressions of this country that's been my home for the last couple of months... Hmm, not doing very well really! I do know that I come away with a list of things to do in Israel that is longer than when I arrived, I've met lots of wonderful people, done things and visited places the like of which I have never seen before. My overall memories will however be of my Servas hosts whose generosity and kindness has been overwhelming.

Equipment summary - lost, stolen or broken

Palm pilotbatteries 4 sets
Broken and fixed once (thank god for backups!)
Camerabatteries1 1/2 sets
Modembatteries 1 set
Accoustic couplerbatteries 1 set
Backpack1 broken strap, 1 broken clip

The next installment/country.


Created by Dan Leigh 27/8/01